
1. Click on the button 'My Support' in the top menu bar. As highlighted in red below.

2. Click on the button 'Open a New Case', to raise a new case.

3. Fill out the required fields highlight in red below. An explanation of the fields are detailed under the image.

a. Case Type - choose from the options in the drop down to best describe the support case:


  • Break/Fix - System issue currently occurring. The severity of the issue can be defined by the priority selected
  • Consultancy Request - Request to changes of the system, which can include new functionality, training requests, consultancy, etc
  • Warranty - System issue related to the warranty period of a project

b. Priority - select the severity of the issue from the drop down menu
c. Subject - a brief description of the issue
d. Description - a more detailed description of the issue

4. If an image is required to be uploaded, click on the 'Attach a file' button and select the file from the pop up window.

5. Click on 'Submit' button to register the support case.